I am shaving.
And the sallow-faced man next door is shaving. And the man whose life will be changed
when a girl talks to him in the subway,
and the president of Revco Steel—
they are shaving.
And the man who will capsize in a boat today
and breathe in the pure water of the lake
and gaze sightless up at the shimmering sun—
he is shaving.
And the man who will commit murder today destroying the only love he has ever known, though as yet his anger is still asleep,
and the man who will return from a day hunched at his desk,
his hair falling over his ledgers,
and the man who before sunset
will slice his wrists over the sink—
they are all shaving—
over the upper lip,
under the sloping jaw,
lathered face and razor in the mirror
but no revelations there...
no hint today.
We will walk out to the cool morning
where newspapers whirl in the wind,
out to the street that holds the buildings together.
But the premonitions are not quite strong enough—
they rise to the pure darkness of space
or lie beneath the slow wheels of a train.
Dark fears are still asleep in the blood as we walk our ways
and there is no unusual animal behavior
to warn of the earthquakes to come.
sallow : Yellowish & Looking Unhealhy.
capsize : To cause a boat or ship to turn upside down accidentally while on water.
shimmering :Shining unevenly.
hunched :To leaned forward with your shoulders rised.
slope : A surface which lies at an angle to the horizontal.
razor : A small device with a sharp blade for remiving hair.
whirl : To turn around & around.
beneath : Under ( Not good enough).
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